
A Preferred Online Payment in Italy

MyBank is an e-authorization solution which enables safe digital payments and identity authentication through a consumer's own online banking portal or mobile application.

It is an infrastructure which facilitates real-time e-commerce services between merchant and consumer banks across Europe.

Banking security is at the core of MyBank. MyBank creates a direct link between a consumer's online bank account and the merchant's bank which eliminates the need to collect and store personal data.

Consumer identity and confidential data are protected. Immediate authorization of payments reduces risk of fraud and chargebanks.

With MyBank, trust and confidence in online transactions is increased. MyBank brings together European banks and financial Institutions into a single infrastructure with an integrated set of standards and rules.

It is a pan-European solution based on SEPA payment instruments which means it can be used seamlessly throughout Europe.

How MyBank Works

Product Description

Bank Transfer

Product Process

Upon purchase the consumer selects the option to pay with MyBank. The consumer selects the bank of preference and logs in to home banking and authorizes the payment.

Product Sheet


Countries Supported

Italy, Spain, Greece

Merchant advantages

Enter markets with low credit card coverage
Lower risk of returns
Payment option familiar to the consumer
Trusted buying process
Increase sales
Accept more than just credit cards

Consumer advantages

Trusted payment method
No credit or debit card needed
Convenient, reliable, simple and secure
Access to more products and services
Language and currency localization
Simplified shopping experience

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