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Austrian Online Bank Payment

The eps online transfer system is a secure payment method that is offered by the Austrian banks. It allows account holders to easily and quickly pay for purchases using their own trusted online banking service. 80% of merchants in Austria accept eps online payment. The bank transfer is made at the initiative of the consumer, and the payment is "pushed" to the bank account of the merchant. By accepting eps as an online payment method, you get access to more than 3 million Austrian online banking customers. The eps system is supported by all the major Austrian banks and is free of charge to consumers, who do not have to register separately as they are automatically enrolled through their bank.

When a consumer is initiating an online payment with eps, they simply select their own bank and they are then redirected from the merchant’s website to the secure login page of their financial institution.

By offering eps as an additional payment method, merchants can increase their sales, as credit cards are not needed. Payments via eps are in real-time and cannot be cancelled or reversed. Therefore, merchants are also guaranteed payment from the purchase.

The eps transactions are in Euros, but they are conveniently and automatically exchanged to our merchant’s preferred own currency. Local native language customer support is included via phone and email. 2000Charge provides the eps service complete with access to secure admin pages and detailed reports, and the eps payment option is easily integrated into a merchants website together with our other local payment methods.

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Product Description

Bank Transfer

Product Process

Upon purchase, the consumer logs into their own online bank and authorizes the payment. The funds are then directly debited from their bank account in real-time and the merchant will receive an immediate payment confirmation.

Countries Supported



At checkout, the consumer selects EPS as their payment method.

Payment method

The consumer chooses their bank for payment.

Online bank

The consumer is redirected to their online banking site and logs in to confirm the transaction.


Payment confirmed.

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